Support for the old.reddit stylesheet is currently "best effort" as despite our valiant attempts, changes by Reddit are causing things to break or behave inconsistently. I am now -300,000 under budget and my income from housing has almost disappeared. I decided to turn off unlimited money and suddenly the economy flipped. So, it might be tempting to stuff education, health, police, and fire service buildings here, there, and everywhere in your city. Adding services will raise land values and enable buildings to reach their maximum levels. When I turned off unlimited my account balance was -451 000 000 Does anyone know how to reset my money to 0 Ive tried using cheat engine but I couldnt get it to work.

I had some trouble with money in my city so I decided to turn on unlimited money. 100,00 population, 10,000 plus surplus budget. 10) Turn on the Unlimited Budget Mod Don’t Stuff Your City With Too Many Services Services are crucial to your city. Hi Ive been searching on google and reddit but I havent found a solution that worked for me. Cities: Skylines Steam Workshop Hello Old Redditors! After building a city with unlimited money I ended up with a generally decent economy.